We believe that the expansion of consciousness that sacred plants can produce should be reflected in the love and care of the Mother Earth
Ayahuasca Ayllu receives people from all over the world who come to know traditional medicine in order to learn about the proper use of sacred plants. People across the world are recognizing the concrete benefits that ayahuasca brings for health and the development of consciousness. This state of expanded consciousness (granted by master plants) allows you to perceive the true order of nature and reconnect with your true self allowing for emotional and physical self-healing. We believe that the expansion of consciousness that sacred plants can produce should be reflected in the love and care of Mother Earth, helping many more people to become aware of this relationship. In these times it is impossible to think about spirituality or consciousness without thinking about ecology.
This is why at Ayahuasca Ayllu, we aspire to have a true relationship of respect with nature (Pachamama) not only because of an ideological concept (ecologist), but fundamentally because of a feeling of love for our Mother Earth that we try to express in the way we live, which people who come for retreats and dietas can fully experience. You can request more information by clicking here.