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About Us

At Ayahuasca Ayllu we are dedicated to promoting a way of life that includes and integrates the balance of physical, emotional and ideological health, and believe that this can be achieved through the expansion of consciousness that sacred plants facilitate. For the past 45 years we have analyzed and studied these three levels (physical, emotional and ideological) that permanently interact and determine our happiness. 45 years of experience in the path of sacred plants, focused on understanding these interrelationships, validate this work from which everyone can greatly benefit.

Ayahuasca is not simply a substance that modifies perception, it is a technology that if not used properly can cause more confusion than clarity, but if we humbly open ourselves to receive the knowledge and experience of those who have spent years traveling this difficult road, it can turn into a very important accelerator of our evolution and help us change the vision we have about fundamental aspects of life that operate with obsolete structures.

The cliché that a "spiritual" person should only worry about "spiritual" things, regardless of what they consume and what they produce, or how this affects other people and the planet, is an unreal, unsustainable and negative concept. That is why we invite you to explore the different projects that we carry out with the intention of bringing forward a different humanity. There is no economic, social or legal "system" that can solve the deep crisis of consciousness that humanity is suffering. The only thing that will save us is Consciousness


Alonso del Río


Founder of Ayahuasca Ayllu, Alonso Del Rio expresses through his work what he considers the three most important manifestations of humanity: science, art and spirituality. Life-long student of the ancestral American and worldwide traditions, to this date he is one of the main referents on the West in regards to the work with master plants and ancient cultures. He was born in Lima, Peru in 1962. In 1977, after he started reading about the use of Peyote and master plants, he felt the calling to experience with Wachuma, a cactus also known as “San Pedro ''. Later on he assisted at the Catholic University of Peru to study Literature, but his university studies ended after an experience that would transform his life entirely: Journeying to the Peruvian rainforest where he would have his first Ayahuasca experience and meet who would become his first and most important teacher, Don Benito Arevalo, from the Shipibo people. Alonso spent the next thirteen years of his life living in the different places of the Peruvian Amazon, receiving the traditional training of a "curandero" (healer). He soon realized that the classic use of the Ayahuasca could be expanded to also serve as an instrument of self knowledge and the expansion of consciousness. In 1992 he came back to Lima, and with permission from his master, started leading Ayahuasca ceremonies with people from the city who were oriented to self-exploration and evolutionary work. He later met the north-american native traditions, which led him to Mexico to participate in different ceremonies and complete his training and knowledge in that traditional school. One of his very early conclusions about the work with sacred plants and the development of consciousness, is that one must actually become an agent of change and manifest everything that has been learned for the common good. This is how in the year 2000 he founded the Center of Healing and Consciousness Studies Ayahuasca Ayllu, where he welcomes people from all over the world to share the teachings he received. In 2004, after being aware of the serious deficiencies in the educational system, he decided to create together with Waltraut Stölben, the educational association Wiñaypaq whose main project is a primary intercultural free school for the children of farmer families in the area around Pisac, Perú. Alonso's work started gaining international recognition thanks to the Ayahuasca songs he had composed and started publishing in the year 2000. This is when he coined the musical genre term "Medicine Music", which soon grew in popularity across the world. As a writer he has published two books: Tawantinsuyo 5.0 and The Four Altars. Both books are based on the ancestral knowledge that shows the correct use of sacred plants for the development of consciousness. At the same time he developed as a documentarist, shaping the teachings from his master Don Benito in the documentary The forgiveness medicine. And after that, putting the lessons from a Q´uero master: Martin Paukar, on another documentary called Urpillay Sonqollay Kokamama. Later on he shared his understanding of the divine origin through his documentary God. In his permanent search of grinding better ways to spread the knowledge, he developed a feature film entitled The Four Altars: A professional-quality film funded entirely by the sacred medicine community. In this feature film he exposes the knowledge of the “Four Altars”, while denouncing the ecological crime caused by the extraction of gold in the Amazon. Active promoter of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for humanity and the whole planet, he takes care of a conservation area in the peruvian Amazon, while develioping agro ecological projects and natural medicine.

Our Path

Ayahuasca Ayllu receives people from all over the world who come to know traditional medicine in order to learn about the proper use of sacred plants. People across the world are recognizing the concrete benefits that ayahuasca brings for health and the development of consciousness. This state of expanded consciousness (granted by master plants) allows you to perceive the true order of nature and reconnect with your true self allowing for emotional and physical self-healing. We believe that the expansion of consciousness that sacred plants can produce should be reflected in the love and care of Mother Earth, helping many more people to become aware of this relationship. In these times it is impossible to think about spirituality or consciousness without thinking about ecology.

This is why at Ayahuasca Ayllu, we aspire to have a true relationship of respect with nature (Pachamama) not only because of an ideological concept (ecologist), but fundamentally because of a feeling of love for our Mother Earth that we try to express in the way we live, which people who come for retreats and dietas can fully experience.  You can request more information by clicking here. 

The Team


Claudia Lovato
Alonso's assistant and
general coordinator

Claudia assists and accompanies Alonso in all his activities, projects and retreats since 2018.

She coordinates Ayahuasca Allu activities such as ceremonies, diets and retreats.


Gareth Morgan
Ceremony Guide

Gareth is a devoted student of plant science and sacred ceremonies since 2010. He studied and served alongside teachers from different traditions, including Don Javier Arévalo, a 4th generation healer from the Napo district of Peru, with whom he apprenticed for five years. Gareth support our work in Auahuasca Ayllu since 2016.

Image by Loïc Fürhoff

Where We Are

The main center of Ayahuasca Ayllu is located in the outskirts of a village called Taray, on the Cusco Sacred Valley, in Peru, 50 minutes away from the city of Cusco and 5 minutes away from the town of Pisaq. This is where we do most of the part of the ceremonies.

Ayahuasca Ayllu counts with a second center on the rainforest Madre de Dios (Bahuaja Conservation Area) in which we mainly realize plant diets.

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